SOMEtimezz it's what I do


sometimes I spend hours going through alllll my old profile pix. if I'm feeling low or had a bad day or some $hit or woke up with a nasty a$$ zit on my face or something. you know, just to remember how pretty I am and make myself feel better seeing that my old crush 'liked' my low cut cleavage pic and that b*tch I hated in high school commenting 'omg you are like so damn HAWT'. yeah, that $hit is good for my self esteem. sometimes I just go back and read how much people love me and think I'm pretty. then I leave my apt like feelin sooo much hawter. see people on the street and think damn, don't you wish you were this hawttt. bet you didn't have 19 'likes' on your last profile pix in the first 20 min of posting that $hit. 6 comments and one from an ex boyfriend. yeah, I am THAT hawt. bet you aren't that cool and popular as me. probably don't even has as many facebook friends as me!!

sometimes I just like to do that $hit before I start my day. coffee and some facebook esteem building. just to remind myself how much I love myself and mostly how everyone loves ME. #lovemyfriends #blessed #popularb*tch

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